In terms of architecture, the Kaiserturm tower, really is egocentric.

The Kaiserturm tower is - appropriately - the focal point of the fortress facilities. The entrance, tournament and fencing room and the artillery vault are available as event areas. Spanning three floors, the Kaiserturm tower provides space for up to 300 people. It is also suitable for seated banquets, as well as presentations, receptions and intimate concerts. Event catering by the Festungswirtschaft also provides an appropriate culinary setting and top-class service. The artillery vault on the upper floor of the Kaiserturm tower was completly redesigned in 2015 and today is a stylish and exclusive banqueting hall.

Entrée Fecht- und Turnierraum (LOUNGE) Bombardiergewölbe (Festsaal)
Fläche: 180 m² Fläche: 325 m² Fläche: 402 m²
Höhe: 5 m Höhe: 4,20 m Höhe: 4,20 m
Stuhlreihen: - Stuhlreihen: 70 Stuhlreihen: 300
Parlament: - Parlament: - Parlament: 150
Gala: - Gala: 50 Gala: 220
Empfang: 135 Empfang: 200 Empfang: 300

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